Thursday, May 31, 2007


Apparently Bill gates was on TV showing off a fancy, new table that can among other things wirelessly transfer photos from a camera or mobile phone, order and pay for stuff using credit cards, etc, etc. its pretty neat.

The table costs about 10,000 dollars (ouch!!) but prices will come down with time. Pretty soon we'll be rebooting our tables, installing anti-viruses and ofcourse, looking at the blue screen of death that we have become accustomed to on Windoze systems. :) With the pace of technology these days one really has to wonder what next. Here are a couple of devices i would like to see

1. The githeri-sniffer

Warns its owner of the prescence of githeri at home or nearby and develops an exit strategy including calculating the location of the nearest Kenchic.

2. Instant IQ upgrader

This would be a best seller, a device that can be implanted in the heads of rdiculously stupid people that immediately increases their IQ. I'm not talking abot people who are not intelligent through no fault of their own, I'm talking about those that do not use their minds for reasons I am yet to discover. These include drivers who do not dim their lights, secretaries who feel they are the most important people on earth and treat the rest of humanity like scum, matatu drivers, George Bush, Jose Mourinho, Charles Njonjo, people who use their mobile phones in churches, cinemas, restuarants and other public places, Donald Trump, Manguerins, and the list goes on and on and on.....

3. Hangover cure

A device that instantly cures a hangover. I have a feeling I will need this one after this long weekend.

4. Temporary Girlfriend Replacement

A device that helps a guy out when, you know, the girlfriend has a headache, is out of town, is pissed at you for some inane reason like you forgot her birthday or you didnt notice that new hairstyle, or you told her the truth (like when she asks, "do these jeans make my butt look big?" and you reply, "No, you butt looks big because your butt IS big).

5. Report Writer

Software that thinks of ridiculous nonsense to write in reports, term papers, assignments, etc. One of my classmates(name withheld) has this knack of writing reports full of bullshit, just so that it is several pages longer than everyone else's. damn chic!!!

If you have ideas of other cool device that you would like to see made, write a comment and I'll send them all to my friend at MIT. Maybe he can help out!


Anonymous said...

Nice! I wouldnt mind having a table like that! I got a machine for you, a beard grower!Hehehe!

Drain Bamage said...

very funny dude